Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009
THE PROPOSAL huahahaha
lucu banget the proposal...baru pertama kali tuh si sandra bullock terlihat setelah sudah lama tidak terlihat kini dia memainkan film romantic comedy yang super duper lucu...
ceritanya dia adalah seorang wanita karir yang sangat sukses namun jarang mempedulikan orang lain. suatu saat, dia mempunyai masalah dengan visa kewarganegaraannya. saat inilah cerita yang sebenarnya dimulai..dia harus menikahi atau paling tidak bertunangan dengan orang yang berkewarganegaraan pribumi.dia pun akhirnya berbohong dan berpura-pura bertunangan dengan pegawai yang tidak pernah dia pedulikan. saat proses berbohong inilah banyak kejadian lucu yang terjadi.Sandra bullock dan Ryan Renolds telanjang!! namun,,tidak sepenuhnya terlihat dan dikemas dalam adegan lucu, bukan dalam adegan seks..pokoknya harus nonton..lucu banget..
moral valuenya..jangan pernah menyepelekan orang lain karena suatu saat kita pasti membutuhkan mereka..so..don't be selfish..
Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009
my poems??sharing??or just writing??
walking down in the street
alone with nobody beside me..
maybe need to refresh my mind or because i have no one??
in my desperate feeling
when i watched the sky
dark cloud up there..
so empty and cold..
no hope and feel empty
and suddenly i saw a silver line in that sky
told me to stand still
told me to smile happily
told me to face the day with the chin up and full of spirit
told me that there's always a brighter day after the storm
after saw that..
i knew that i should change my life
i should change my mind
and then i started to smile..
i started to cheer up
started to walk eith my chin up
i started to build my confidence
and finally i could heal my own heart..cheer up girl...
Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009
bakalan kangen neh..
huhu..hari in.. tanggal 10 Oktober 2009 aku habis rapat pertanggungjawaban MA Bahrul Ilmi..
sebenrnya seneng gak seneng se..senengnya:tanggung jawabku agak berkurang.
gak senengnya:
1. aku gak bakalan ngerasain rapat yang seruh, penuh bercandaan n pasti menemukan solusi
2. kehilangan tempat rapat yang menyejukkan hati dan bertujuan hanya untuk ALLAH
3. gak bisa bercanda-bercanda ma kadept n temen-temen staf yang aku sayang..
tapi semoga aja ya setelah ini aku bisa membuktikan hasil yang baik dari keikutanku di organisasi ini dan jadi manusia yang lebih baik dan gadis yang lebih solehah.. =)
i will miss you guys.. you never know what you have untill you lost it..
Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009
sakit banget..huhu..aku ingat hari ini 09 Oktober 2009 dari pagi ampe malem aku terjebak ke-BT-an kronis..dari pagi isinya BT..terus..giliran sore udah baikan, gak taunya malem2 aku nemuin hal yang paling berhargaku rusak.. CD semester 3..hiks..hiks...haduh..what a day..
sebel...gimana neh??aku harus cari dimana file-file semester3??
Kamis, 08 Oktober 2009
again and again..the problems that i face..or maybe i can say the problem that i made...
hahaha..actually i really need that..but i brought a denial to myself. i don'nt know why i'm so afraid to face the truth that i need that..when i ready,,the condition didn't allow me.when i didn't want it..th circumstances support me 100%..so..shat should i do??follow my heart or follow the flow??
notebook to all ya fellas:
"when you think that denial is the best way to cast your fear, maybe you're not totally true.because sometimes denial cause a deeper wound and create a bigger problems..maybe it's better to trust your heart..believe me..do not do the same mistakes like i did"
hahaha..actually i really need that..but i brought a denial to myself. i don'nt know why i'm so afraid to face the truth that i need that..when i ready,,the condition didn't allow me.when i didn't want it..th circumstances support me 100%..so..shat should i do??follow my heart or follow the flow??
notebook to all ya fellas:
"when you think that denial is the best way to cast your fear, maybe you're not totally true.because sometimes denial cause a deeper wound and create a bigger problems..maybe it's better to trust your heart..believe me..do not do the same mistakes like i did"
Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2009
Sebenernya ini ada pa?? kok segala macam gempa terjadi di Indonesia??apa yang salah dari kami Ya ALLAH?? apa karena kami kurang mengingatMu? atau karena kami kurang peduli satu sama lain?mungkin memang benar adanya kami seperti itu ya ALLAH..maafkan kami..
begitu gelap mata kami..hingga kami tak peka terhadap saudara kami sendiri...sekarang setelah semua gempa ini terjadi di hadapan mata kami..kami malu..kami takut..kami panik dan bingung harus bagaimana..baru setelah semua gempa ini kami sadar bahwa kami membutuhkanmu ya ALLAH..kami mohon jangan tinggalkan kami,,selalu ingatkan kami..bawa kami ke jalan yang benar..kami tahu Engkau takkan memberi cobaan melampaui kemampuan kami...
Jumat, 02 Oktober 2009
"trouble is a firend but trouble is a foe oh..oh.." -trouble is a friend by lenka-
you know? sometimes life can't be as easy as we think..a lot of gravels stand in our way..but those gravels make us become more aware and not careless anymore.some people often said that GOD unfair because gave the big problem that we couldn't handle.but,,i believe deep inside my heart that every problem that stand in my way is the way of GOD to love me. coz i know GOD really wants to make me stronger and wiser than before and find the truly identity of myself..so..maybe i can sing"trouble is a friend and trouble is a pal oh..oh.."..cheer up guys...
you know? sometimes life can't be as easy as we think..a lot of gravels stand in our way..but those gravels make us become more aware and not careless anymore.some people often said that GOD unfair because gave the big problem that we couldn't handle.but,,i believe deep inside my heart that every problem that stand in my way is the way of GOD to love me. coz i know GOD really wants to make me stronger and wiser than before and find the truly identity of myself..so..maybe i can sing"trouble is a friend and trouble is a pal oh..oh.."..cheer up guys...
hmM..i love batik
keren banget pake atik..temen2 jadi keliatan lebih cntik-cantik n ganteng2.terlihat lebih berwibawa cuy..emang gak salah indonesia punya batik yang luar biasa keren. mau dibuat jadi kimono, jarik, kebaya, apa hem biasa, tetep aja kelihatan keren. dan tentu saja akan terlihat resmi. hebat kan? hanya dengan corak aja, sebuah baju bisa kelihatan resmi.hehehe..tapi jangan kelewatan aja bebasnya..jangan rok mini ya..hehehe..pokoknya i love batik and i love Indonesia
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lucu banget the proposal...baru pertama kali tuh si sandra bullock terlihat setelah sudah lama tidak terlihat kini dia memainkan film romant...
Assalamualaikum..wow..it's been so long i didn't reach this blog. well..hello world.. my topic today is..TA.. well let say it in Bah...
Pernah baca buku Negeri 5 Menara?? hmmm.. kayaknya kamu2 musti baca tuh buku deh. inspiratif banget, bikin kita sadar akan banyak hal, dan l...